About The Distillery

I love good whiskey. Distilling the stuff that will become that whiskey takes time. During the process you must first separate the components that will become that golden liquid by boiling the mash into a frenzy and then allowing the important components to condense and be captured. And then boil and condense again. When you’re done, that clear liquid gets barreled and aged until it mellows into something desirable. The edges are gone, the imperfections are removed, and the clear vision of the distiller is poured into a glass for you to consume and hopefully enjoy.

After almost 10 years on the social media I find that I wish discussions on there were more like good whiskey and not so much like what comes out of that first boil. Putting something out there, no matter how thoughtful, in a fit of reaction will never be as convincing as when those same thoughts are written down and sifted over, with an eye for unintended sharp edges and “bite” where it’s not warranted. So that’s why I opened the distillery. Here I hope to present in a cohesive, aged, and hopefully more thought provoking way than might be done in a single Facebook post. That’s not to say that there will not be sharp edges or purposeful provocation, only that what you might see and read here will be far less harsh than it was when it first condensed in the author’s head.

The intent is not to be purely political, but let’s face it the world is politically charged right now and I suspect that political content will occupy most of the posts, even if it does not concern what is currently occupying the media’s attention.

Welcome to the Distillery.