Something is heating up

A month ago I was ready to leave Facebook, which has served as my sole connection to most of my “outside world” since I took this work-at-home gig at the beginning of this tumultuous decade. Expressing thoughts and outrage in real time about events that just seem to get more outrageous now by the hour, let alone the day or week, seems to simply magnify the impact of even the smallest of these exponentially, and that can tear a soul down quickly.

So I’ve spent the Christmas and New Year holiday wondering about just how I might be able to force myself into a mode of expression that requires a more than knee-jerk reaction in real time. How I could distill my thoughts about something…  and that’s where it hit me and this place was conceived.

I have no idea when it will open, or what the first post will be, but I’ve paid for the damn domain name for a couple years so I better do something with it eventually.

I’m going to keep comments turned off because I don’t want to manage the riffraff in more than one place, but the idea is that if I’ve got something to say I’ll put it here and then share it on Facebook where people can comment on it – and share it if they want, something you can’t do with my personal posts due to privacy settings. We’ll see how it goes.